
Parenting Care Model is a Rehabilition for Learning Disabled Child

Each day, millions of children with learning disabilities face tasks that, for reasons unknown to them, never become automatic and always seem to stand in the way of their progress as students. For parents and teachers of a struggling child, the picture is not much clearer or any less frustrating. Rehabilition is beginning at home for the parents to detect their kids whether in learning disability category. Learning Disability kids need 3 things to survive in the real world by using parenting care due to parenting skill, learning skill and nutrition. Parenting skill is the way how the parents can hand the learning disability kids to manage their daily life. Learning skill is the knowledge on how to teach the kids to learn mathematics (calculation skill) and language (read, comprehension skill and writing skill). Lastly, learning disability kids also need the best nutrition for their brain system, neuro system, blood system and digestion system. Therefore, parenting care is the first aid for learning disability kids for survival on the reality with their normal kids` friends.


Saffiah Ani Binti Ismail, Puspa Liza Binti Ghazali, Mustafa Bin Mamat and Zabidin bin Salleh

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