In Vitro Comparison of Microhardness of Bulk Fill Flowable Composites

Kamalak H

Published Date: 2016-04-29

Kamalak H*

Department of Restorative Dentistry, Firat University, Malatya, Turkey

*Corresponding Author:
Kamalak H
Faculty of Dentistry
Department of Restorative Dentistry
Firat University, Malatya, Turkey
Fax: +90-424-237 89 86

Received date: March 31, 2016; Accepted date: April 26, 2016; Published date: April 29, 2016

Citation: Kamalak H,In Vitro Comparison of Microhardness of Bulk Fill Flowable Composites.Med Clin Rev. 2015, 2:12. doi: 10.21767/2471-299X.1000021

Copyright: © 2016 Kamalak H. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate micro hardness of three flowable bulk fill resin composites. Materials and methods: Surefil SDR Flow (SDR), Filtek Bulk Flow (FBF) and X-tra Base Flow (XBF) were used. 16 teflon molds were prepared for each group. The microhardness was measured on the top surfaces. The microhardness results were analyzed by ANOVA and Post Hoc Tukey test. Results: Microhardness values differ from 22.79-33.1. XTB were found having the highest hardness and FBF had minimum hardness value. Conclusions: Accordingly, the results of the current study indicate, it can be suggested that, XTB, SDR and XTB in clinical cases respectively. Keywords: Bulk fill flowable


Bulk fill flowable composite; Microhardness; Mechanical properties


Flowable composites were initially used in 1996. Flowable composite resins, developed to decrease polymerization shrinkage in adhesive applications where the cavity formation could not be established as required and to create a barrier to break stress, are commonly used in dentistry applications [1-3].

Since the flowable composites are compatible, consistent and easy to manipulate, their clinical use is quite high. New generation bulk fill flowable composite resins, with their increased filler ratios, could also be used as permanent restoration material due to their increasing physical and mechanical specifications. Producers specified that newly developed nano-particle composites could be utilized in thick layers, similarly with the traditional composites [4,5].

Bulk fill flowable composites are new kind resin-based composites has been recently introduced [6,7]. Flowable bulk fill composites (SDR, Smart Dentin Replacement, Dentsply Caulk, USA; Filtek Bulk Flow, 3M ESPE, USA; X-tra Base Flow, Voco, Germany) have love-viscosity and practical-use features. These materials have many favourable properties like as high flowability, small air bubbles, high flexibility, high viscosity and high filler content [8,9].

The characteristic of these new generation resin based bulf fill composites is placing 4 mm into the cavity [10]. Filler content of these composites are increased, so better mechanical properties especially hard materials were obtained [11].

In study performed previously, micro hardness of SDR, FBF were substantially below the mean values measured in the conventional composites especially microhybrid and nanohybrid composites In the same study micro hardness of XTB were found high. Hence, flowable bulk fill composite resins, like SDR, FBF require final capping layer, but XTB can be placed without final capping layer [9,12].

This study evaluated and compared three bulk fill flowable composites-concerning their micro hardness.

Materials and Methods

Three flowable bulk fill resin based composites were analyzed assigning micro hardness: SDR, (Smart Dentin Replacement, Dentsply Caulk, USA); Filtek Bulk Flow, (3M ESPE, USA); X-tra Base Flow (Voco, Germany). Product specifications are presented in Table 1.

4×6 mm standard teflon molds were used for bulk fill composites can be applied to the cavity at 4 mm thick and used as dentin replacement (Figure 1). After the composite material placed in the mold, it was pressed to create a flat surface and then 20 sec polymerized with LED device (Elip Freelight II, 3M-ESPE, St. Paul, MN, USA). Samples’ upper surface were made flat with polishing machine.for correctly microhardness testing. This process was repeated for each group. 16 samples for each group; 48 samples were prepared for a total of 3 groups. The microhardness of the top surfaces were measured using a Vickers hardness tester (Esetron,ODTU, Ankara). Microindentation was carried out using a 100 mN load with a 15 seconds dwell time.

Material Name Manufacturer Material Type Matrix Type Filler Content Filler Rate %
Surefil SDR Flow (SDR) Dentsply Caulk, USA Bulk Fill Flowable Composite   Dimethacrylate Resin EPDMA TEGDMA Modified UDMA BHT Silicate Glass Silicate oxide Hybrid Fiber Glass 80
Filtek Bulk Flow (FBF) 3M/ESPE St Paul, MN,USA Bulk Fill Flowable Composite UDMA Bis-GMA Bis-EMA Proacrilat resins TEGDMA YBF3 Fillers Zirconia, silica particles 64.5
X-Tra Base Flow (XTB) Voco Cuxhaven Germany Bulk Fill Flowable Composite   Bis-GMA Bis-EMA UDMA Proxilat Zirconia, silica particles, Ytterbium Trifluoride 75

Table 1: Materials evaluated and respective manufacturer information.

Statistical analysis

The data were entered into statistical software package (IBM SPSS, V21). After the data were checked, one way ANOVA Variance Analysis were used to discuss microhardness of each material. Post Hoc Tukey Test was used for determination of the groups that make up differences. The significance level was set at p < 0.005.


Microhardness values range from 22.79 to 33.1 for bulk fill flowable composites (Figure 2 and Table 2). According to the test of homogeneity of variances in the Table 3, significant value (0.120) was larger than 0.005 (Table 4), variance was homogeneous. For this reason we were used Post Hoc Tukey test for differences. Significant value (0.000) was found smaller than 0.005, and so the results of our study were positive and there were differences between the groups. Post Hoc Tukey Test was used for analyzing groups forms differ from others Table 5. Significant differences were found between groups. While the percentage of SDR is higher than 2.93 from FBF, lower than 6.16 from XTB. Meanwhile, the average of XTB was found higher than FBF (Table 5).


Figure 1: The 4 mm deep teflon rings with a 6 mm internal diameter hole.

          95% Confidence interval for Mean    
  N Mean SW. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
SDR (Surefil SDR Flow) 16 26.2356 0.6442 0.16105 258924 26.5789 25.03 27.11
FBF (Utak Bulk Flow) 16 232988 0.37288 0.9322 231001 23.4974 22.79 24.10
<TB (X-tra Base Flow) 16 324031 0.54733 0.13683 32.1115 32.6948 31.16 33.10
Total 48 273125 386956 0.55852 261889 284361 22.79 33.10

Table 2: Mean microhardness for all tested materials.


Figure 2:A chart showing the mean surface microhardness.


Microhardness is defined as the blocking resistance that prevents the creation of permanent deformation and hardness is the most important feature contributes the success of clinical utilizations. A high microhardness value eventuates increasing the scratch and abrasion resistance, meanwhile prevents the material easily deformed against various forces [12-14].

According to a study conducted by Rouhollah et al., hardness is inversely proportional to the thickness of the composite. For this reason, the composite 2 mm thickness in each layer is proposed [14]. But in recent years due to developments in the bulk fill resin composites, the clinical fe atures high-composites are produced. We have detected in the our study, XTB is the most successful group.

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
2.226 2 45 0.120

Table 3: Test of homogenity of variances.

  Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 690.949 2 345.474 1.214.169 0.00
Within Groups 12.804 45 0.285    
Total 703.753 47      

Table 4: Significant value.

Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Microhardness Tukev HSD
(I) Composites (J) Composites Mean Difference (4) Std. Error Sig. 95% CAInfidtnCe Late
Lower Bound Upper Bound
SDR (Surefil SDR Flow) FBF (Hick Bulk Flow) 2.93688* 0.18859 0.000 24.798 33.939
XTB (X-tta Base flow) -6.16750* 0.18859 0.000 -66.246 -57.104
FBF (FatekBulklow) SDR (Surefil SDR Flow) -2.93688* 0.18859 0.000 -33.939 -24.798
XTB (X-tta Base flow) -9.10438* 0.18859 0.000 -95.614 -86.473
XTB (X-1ra Base Flow) SDR (Surefil SDR Flow) 6.16750* 0.18859 0.000 57.104 66.246
FBF (Filtek Bulk Flow) 9.10438* 0.18859 0.000 86.473 95.614

Table 5: Post hoc tukey test results for analyzing differences between groups.

Studies demonstrate that FBF’s microhardness value after 24 h Post-cure dry storage at 37°C was found as 24.0 and in our study we calculates this values as 23.29. So, It was similar that

Alshal et al. [15] in vestigated FBF’s microhardness value after 24 h Post-cure dry storage at 37°C. Six bulk fill composites were used in that study. Researchers found the hardness for FBF as 24.0. However, in this study, FBF displayed similar results.

Kim et al. [8] researched the effect of resin thickness on the microhardness and optical properties of bulk-fill resin composites. They have used four differenet bulk fill composites in their study. They found microhardness of SDR at 4 mm thickness as 29.48. In our study we found this value as 26.23. Differences in the equipment used, the molds used during the preparation of the samples and the homogenous placement of the material into the molds could be effective in obtaining different results in different studies. Differences in the equipment used, the molds used during the preparation of the samples and the homogenous placement of the material into the molds could be effective in obtaining different results in different studies.

Biasi et al. [16] demonstrated microhardness and its daily clinical. This was also confirmed by Ilie et al. [17] where SDR showed the lowest surface hardness from others. However, when compared to the investigated flowable of our study, SDR flow showed higher microhardness.

Simon et al. [18] determined the Influence of increment thickness on microhardness and dentin bond strength of bulk fill resin composites. the conventional resin composite Filtek Supreme XTE (XTE) and the bulk fill resin composites SDR (SDR), Filtek Bulk Fill (FBF), xtra fil (XFIL), and Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill (TEBF) after 24 h storage were analyzed. Microhardness was measured at different depths. SDR showed microhardness medians of 35.5 at 4mm. In this study, this values was found as 26.23 at 4 mm thicness.


All tested materials showed differences. Assesment of surface hardness ratio is that, XTB were found having the highest hardness and FBF had minimum hardness value. Accordingly, the results of the current study indicate, it may be preferable in clinical cases XTB, SDR and XTB respectively.


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