Pure Honey and Black Seed (Nigella sativa) is the Treatment and Prevention of Pandemic Disease (Corona Virus)

Motiurrahman Arquam*

Pharmacy College, Azamgarh Itaura, Chandeshwar, Azamgarh 276128, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding Author:
Motiurrahman Arquam
Pharmacy College, Azamgarh Itaura, Chandeshwar, Azamgarh 276128, Uttar Pradesh, India
E-mail: mnarquam@gmail.com

Received Date: June 08, 2021; Accepted Date: July 23, 2021; Published Date: July 30, 2021

Citation: Arquam M (2021) Pure Honey and Black Seed (Nigella sativa) is the Treatment and Prevention of Pandemic Disease (Corona Virus). Med Clin Rev Vol.7 No.7:146.

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Today’s dozens of peoples all over worldwide infected from Corona Virus (Covid-19), number of infected and death mortality is increased day by day. It causes the systemic illness with a respiratory route of entry by which patients present with a non-specific illness as fever, cough, dyspnoea, myalgia and chill as well as watery diarrhea may occur. Pure Honey act as powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics to killing micro-organism (virus) as well as to maintain the healthy gut flora and the seed of N. sativa and its active constituents are Thymoquinone and Nigellone to be medically very effective against various illness (like respiratory problems, infectious mostly Viral disease. etc.) It work in assisting the body’s natural healing processing by strengthening the Immune system thereby promoting good health without any adverse effects. It taken regularly before the illness act as Prophylaxis.


Corona Virus; Broad-spectrum antibiotic; Thymoquinone; Immune system; Prophylaxis


The latest threat to global health is the ongoing outbreak of the respiratory disease that was recently given the name Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Covid-19 was recognized in December 2019 from the city of Wuhan in Hubei province, China. It was rapidly shown to be caused by a novel coronavirus that is structurally related to the virus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). As in two preceding instances of emergence of coronavirus disease in the past 18 Years SARS (2002 and 2003) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) (2012 to the present) [1]. It causes the systemic illness with a respiratory route of entry by which patients present with a nonspecific illness as fever, cough, dyspnoea, myalgia and chill as well as watery diarrhea may occur and some time death. This Pandemic Corona Virus can treat and prevent from it by using herbal remedy without any adverse effects which is described below.


In Quran, Allah inspired the bee, saying “take for yourself among the mountains, houses and among the tress and (in) that which they construct. Then suck the juice of every kinds of fruits and follow the ways of your Lord Laid down (for you). These emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colour, in which there is Healing for Peoples. Verily there is a sign in this for those who reflect.” (Quran 16: 68, 69)

Honey bee when it produces naturally honey with the help of by sucking juice of fruits and flower, then the until that Honey is very effective and produce their pharmacological action. But when the peoples want Excessive Honey is produced by the help of sucking juice of sugar or any kind of medicine then Honey lost their Biological activity and not produced pharmacological action because it is against nature (forbidden).

In Quran Allah says, “Honey is Healing for Peoples.” (Quran 16:69)

About which Allah says to himself that there is healing property in honey, so there is no for doubt. If there was abscess on their body of Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar so they used Honey to apply on abscess to cure it, when peoples asked why used Honey to cure abscess, they replied Allah says, “Honey is Healing for peoples.”

A companion to the Prophet Mohammad described his brother’s abdominal pain (diarrhea) as an illness, so you suggested giving her Honey. The next day he came again and told him that the disease was still on, you again advised to feed Honey, on the third day he said again that there is no difference. Then you said, “The word of Allah is undoubtedly true, your brother’s stomach is false.” Then after that he had given Honey to brother then he was cure in sickness. Therefore, before using prescription, the excessive formation of the mood is necessary to execute. It also remembers that medicine (Honey) should also be real (original).

The artificial and the adulterated amount that have been made is not beneficial. Today’s peoples not getting benefits or any pharmacological action from Honey, reason is that there is no available natural Honey, if natural Honey prescribed to infected patients then he cures from illness in limited time.

It is also the wisdom of Allah the Honey is in several colours. The physical view can denote the different colours in Honey is due to weather or environments and lots of different fruits and flowers available from which they sucking their juice. But the fact is that all this is the charity of wisdom and power of Allah. If the Honey is real and pure naturally there is no any adulteration then it gave their pharmacological action without any adverse effect weather it presents any types colours[2].

Pharmacological Properties in Honey

In Honey there is lots of profitable and essential Vitamins in very rich amounts are presents like- Vitamins-(A, B1, B3, B6, B12, D, K. etc.) and having several electrolytes which is essential for physiological balance activity like- Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Chloride, Phosphorus[2].

The one thing in Honey which is very important property in Honey is Hygroscopic in Nature. This property leads to show the antibiotics properties (Broad-Spectrum Activity) which is not in any other medicine. The Hygroscopic property literally draw every particles of moisture out of micro-organisms. Microorganism like any other living organism perish (not survive) without water [3].

Nigella sativa (Black Seed): The Prophet Mohammad had described the curative power of the black seed as “Hold on to use this Black seed (N. sativa), as it has a remedy for every illness except death” [4].

Black seed or Black cumin (English), Habbatul Barakah (Arabic), Kalonji or Mangraila (India) has long been used in traditional remedy in the Arabian countries. Far East Asia, Europe and Africa. N. sativa also been described as the miraculous plant and considered by earliest herbal specialists as “The herb from Heaven.” Ibn-e-Sina a well-known Physician (The Prince of Physician) of 10th century famous for his book “The Canon (Law) of Medicine”, has recommended use of Nigella seed for enhancement of body’s energy (immunity) and also support recovery from fatigue and dispiritedness (lost confidence or hope) [5].

Pharmacological Properties in Nigella seed

The maximal nutritional value of black cumin can be linked to the presence of substantial amount of vegetables protein, fiber and minerals and vitamins. The nutritional composition reported from different source revealed 20-85% of protein, 20- 38% of fat, 7-94% of fibers, and 31-94% of total carbohydrates. Among various amino acid identified are glutamate, arginine and aspartate while cysteine and methionine were the major and minor acids respectively.

Black cumin seed also contains significant level of iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, thiamin, niacin, pyridoxin and folic acid. In addition, phytochemical analyses of N.sativa displayed the presence of over hundreds of Phytoconstituents which includes alkaloids, saponins, sterols and essential oils. Several bioactive compounds from seed the most important bioactive are Nigellone and Thymoquinone [5].


'Honey is Hygroscopic in nature and act as Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics’: The one thing in Honey which is very important property in Honey is Hygroscopic in Nature. This property Leads to show the antibiotics properties (Broad-Spectrum Activity) which is not in any other medicine. The Hygroscopic property literally draw every particles of moisture out of micro-organisms. Micro-organism Like any other living organism perish (not survive) without water.

Today this pure Honey if we use to killing the Virus (e.g. Coronavirus) it can kill them by drawing their every particles of moisture (water molecules) out from their body then the virus loses their infectious property and die, it is due to in envelope RNA virus (positive RNA stranded) in which RNA single stranded present (which is responsible For replication to human genome) and several essential enzymes which is helpful for replication are floated in Fluids it produces infectious until their homeostasis are balanced but when their fluid are out from their body they lost their infectious activity. Honey have penetration power very high by which it crosses the plasma Membrane (lipid envelope) by which it draws every molecules of water from the micro-organism.

The Prophet Mohammad said, “Hold both the healing Honey and Quran.”

In Honey power of killing of micro-organism is greater than any other antibiotics without any side-effect and Additional properties which is to maintain the healthy gut flora. No any antibiotics produce their action like Honey, either it produces adverse-effects and mostly antibiotics kill the gut flora but Honey is to maintain them Healthy by providing nutrients.

Here is summary of modern research on Honey which is published in American Journal:

• Dr. W. G. Sackett, formerly with Colorado Agriculture college at Fort Collins, attempted to prove that Honey was a carrier of disease much like milk. Top his surprise, all the disease germs he introduced into Pure Honey were quickly destroyed. The hardy germs that cause Bronchopneumonia and Septicemia hold out for four days. The Typhoid fever died in pure Honey after 48 hours. Bacillus coli communis which under certain conditions causes peritonitis, was dead on the fifth day of experiments.

• According to Dr. Bodog Beck, there are many other germs equally destructible in Honey. The reason For this bactericidal quality in Honey, he said is in its ‘Hygroscopic ability.’ It literally draws every Particles of moistures out of germs. Germs like any other living organism perish without water. This Power absorb moisture is almost unlimited. Honey will draw moisture from metals, glass and even stone Rocks [6].

'Nigella sativa Effect on Immunity (and acts Prophylaxis)’- As we know todays mostly peoples are infecting in all over World from Corona Virus (Covid-19) and the infectious and death mortality is increasing day by day. Mostly this virus affects those peoples have low immunity strength mostly seen in older age patients above 50 years Old. The Black cumin seed consist of Thymoquinone and several active constituents which is responsible for Enhancing the immunity strength without any adverse-effects.

The Black seed (N. sativa) work in assisting the body’s natural healing processing (due to it contain Thymoquinone) by strengthening the immune system thereby promoting good health. The immune system Consists by of a complex and vitality important arrangement of antibodies, which recognize and neutralize Foreign substance. It is the defense system of the body against invasion (this time Corona Virus is pandemic Disease which is responsible for causing disease by acting on immune system and slow down their strength to Fight that disease) and is delicately (frequently) balance to avoid disturbance that create disease. A balance Immune system is crucial to proper health of the human body and the Black seed has been medically proven to Enhance its functionally, if our immunity strength is enhanced the using of daily Black seed then the virus Cannot easily attack on the immune system. Black seed work together to enhance the body’s immune system in a way that no other singular naturally occurring substance has been known to do without any adverse effects. When consumed over time this proven Immune-modulator aids enables optimum functionating of the immune body.

The two most important oils found in Black seeds are Nigellone and Thymoquinone which act a powerful Bronchodilator contracting immune reaction and restoring respiratory system functions. By targeting the vital Working of the immune system Black seed is effective over a wide range of ailments both as a treatment (if any Infectious germs enters into our body then it directly attack on immune system and produced the very effective Illness like high fever, dyspnea, cough. Black seed having ability to stop this process by acting on when antigen Binds to their site it directly blocks the process of antigens) and as a preventative (enhancing the strength of Immune system and activate them to fight the disease is called as Prophylaxis) [7].

These two remedy uses

The Prophet Mohammad said, “those peoples taking Honey early morning at every month of three days and make their habit, then they safe from great illness (pandemic) disease.” It boosts the immunity power and they make the body to fight from disease [4,8].

When Honey lick on empty stomach it acts as mucolytic agents. [4] These agents break the thick tenacious sputum and lower the viscosity of sputum, so the sputum come out easily with less effort by depolymerises mucopolysaccharides directly lysosomal enzymes. When the virus into respiratory tract it stabilise the mast cell by which antibody formed and produced the bronchial secretion which formed sputum by which respiratory tract blocked so the Honey as mucolytic to break the sputum and as antibiotics to kill virus. Honey is used as antiseptic in the form of sanitizer to apply on hands to kill germs and also apply in nose in lotion form to prevents the entry of germs, if they enter, they can kill them.

Black seed (N. sativa) as a dietary supplement or one teaspoon once or twice a day daily used make it habits and it will make peoples safe from the infectious germs specially corona virus (as a Prophylaxis). Black seed daily early morning takes one teaspoon with one teaspoon honey.


Study of Honey and Black seed and their Pharmacological properties which is useful in the treatment and prevention from Corona Virus as well as any types of flu viral disease, because the black seed enhance the immune system of our body and it active to fight from disease. Honey is responsible for killing germs by withdraw every particles of water from the germs cell then it becomes die and beneficial to make healthy gut flora in our intestine Without any adverse effects.


Authors sincerely thanks to my grandfather Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad Islahi, Physician at Islahi Health Care, Azamgarh who gave me ideas about these two herbal to use in this pandemic disease.


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