
Factors Affecting the Procurement of Pharmaceutical Drugs: A Case Study of Narok County Referral Hospital, Kenya

Procurement of pharmaceutical drugs plays a crucial role in management of health. It was observed there was lack of some drugs in Narok County Referral Hospital (NCRH) and it caused a strain on the patients. The patients have to buy the prescribed medication from chemists and pharmacies outside the hospital which is very expensive. The availability of drugs is crucial in the functioning of any hospital. For there to be continuity of flow of drugs, their procurement procedure is essential and objectives should be considered in the procurement of pharmaceutical drugs. The objective of this study was to determine the factors affecting the procurement of pharmaceutical drugs in Narok County Referral Hospital. Descriptive crosssectional study was carried out at NCRH. Key personnel strategically positioned to integrate with the procurement process of pharmaceutical drugs were included in the study. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews and later transcribed to notes. Themes were deductively analysed before being presented in prose. The study revealed that the procurement procedures in NCRH followed the recommended guidelines. Major challenges included bureaucracy, poor quantification, inadequate transportation options and lack of skilled personnel. The main factors facing the procurement of drugs in NCRH were inadequate funding resulting in delay in paying the suppliers and poor quantification. The study recommended that checks and measures should be included, thorough auditing to avoid misappropriation of funds and provide accountability and transparency. Inventory management training by government is needed to equip the staff with knowledge and skills on use and management of the various registers and forms for proper quantification.


Joy Muhia, Lynn Waithera and Rogers Songole

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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